Museum of Fine Arts of Bilbao i Bilbo

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SpanienMuseum of Fine Arts of Bilbao



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2, Museo Plaza, 48009, Bilbo, Bizkaia, ES Spanien
kontakter telefon: +34 944 39 60 60
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Latitude: 43.2657679, Longitude: -2.9381051

kommentar 5

  • en

    Shane Grant


    Small but good collection with some stars. Lovely El Greco Annunciation and super Gauguin. Plus others.

  • en

    Mc J


    We only did the modern section of the museum, upper floor. They have a lot of Basque artists and some global ones. Actually, the first ones were quite impressive! We actually preferred it to the Guggenheim in case of the art. Yet, the Guggenheim is interesting just for itself, the architecture, the event thing. Tip: buy a combined ticket for both houses. Just a few euros more and you don't have to go to both on the same day.

  • es

    Raúl Andrés Carro Ruíz


    Museo pequeño de estilo moderno y tambien con una sala mas clasica para la exposición de las obras de arte. Muy bien distribuido para un recorrido agradable que permite disfrutar y admirar su colección. El exterior del museo accede a un parque natural muy relajante. Muy recomendable para pasar unas horas de arte y bienestar.

  • Mauro Bisio

    Mauro Bisio


    L'ho visitato durante la mostra dedicata a Goya, molto bella. Interessanti anche le collezioni permanenti sia quelle classiche che quelle moderne. L'edificio alterna parte moderna e parte antica in manuera intelligente ed in correlazione alle collezioni.

  • august andersen

    august andersen


    Super flot og spændende museum. Fire-en-halv ud af fem stjerner.

nærmeste Museum

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