Carrefour i Petrer

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Autovía Alicante Madrid, Km. 36, 5, 03610 Petrer, Alicante, Spain
kontakter telefon: +34 914 90 89 00
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Latitude: 38.4877879, Longitude: -0.7750296

kommentar 5

  • Valerie Wareham

    Valerie Wareham


    Really good. Nice range of shops.

  • Marian Murphy

    Marian Murphy


    Very little in it and most shops were closed the day I was there.. maybe cos it was a Sunday

  • Franco Procopio

    Franco Procopio


    Love this place! My favourite Food store.

  • David Gee

    David Gee


    Nice store, very large, carrying a huge product range, all the usual supermarket products, incredible selection of food and drink, plus clothing, furniture, cycles, car tyres, paint, TV, electric and domestic white goods and much, much, more!

  • Douglas Fanning

    Douglas Fanning


    It's a Carrefour, a large supermarket which sells good quality food at reasonable prices. It also sells clothes, shoes, electrical appliances, garden furniture, tools and much more. There are also a few shops within the supermarket such as a perfume shop, watch shop, key repair, pet shop and a sprinter sports shop. There are also cafe/restaurants within and nearby, and a cinema next door. A good place for shopping most things under one roof. Free easy parking. Recommended

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