Alcampo i Murcia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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s/n, Avenida Juan de Borbón, 30110, Murcia, Murcia, ES Spain
kontakter telefon: +34 968 38 58 28
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.0328895, Longitude: -1.1494507

kommentar 5

  • Ciara Cronin-Douglas

    Ciara Cronin-Douglas


    Very large supermarket with all sorts of goods including small household appliances, clothes, shoes, linens, toys, books, wine, beer, fresh produce & groceries.

  • Dibyendu Pusti

    Dibyendu Pusti


    One of my favorites in Murcia. Thay have everything you want. Huge variety in reasonable price. It's the place for our weekly grocery, fresh vegetables, fish, meat, fashion wears, electronics and much more. Very helpful staffs and customer service point. Highly recommend!!👍

  • Tony Mar

    Tony Mar


    Great store with good prices

  • Christopher Muro

    Christopher Muro


    Great department type of store. It's got a very large grocery section, even with bulk bins for spices, teas, candies, nuts, etc... Some great deals to be had. Also their app for your phone, allows you to scan and bag items as you shop, so check out is really just a receipt pick up and pay. No need to rescan all items, or even unload your bags. Even though the app crashed a few times, it remembered all the products in the cart/bags without issues. It was a very good experience shopping this way, and checkout was fast and easy. I would recommend doing this on your next shop. The prices seems competitive with Carrefour.

  • Marion Nicks

    Marion Nicks


    Always helpful. Excellent range of products.

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