Hotel Q!H SPA Centro León i León

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SpanienHotel Q!H SPA Centro León



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6, Avenida los Cubos, 24007, León, León, ES Spain
kontakter telefon: +34 987 87 55 80
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.60046, Longitude: -5.566457

kommentar 5

  • Afonso Ramos

    Afonso Ramos


    A really average hotel. The rooms are really small with only the obligatory arrangements. The beds are not what you might consider as a hotel bed since it's not that comfortable at all. But then again, for the price and location you get what you pay for. In terms of breakfast it's okay, the cafeteria is not bad at all and has some really good prices compared to what you're used to pay around the city center.

  • Els van der Zalm

    Els van der Zalm


    Hotel itself is nice. Great view on beautiful church. Nice comfortable room, good shower. Friendly and English speaking reception. Wifi is very good and included. Location is in the city center. It was very noisy outside during most of the night (Thursday night). At breakfast today we were served by a very rude woman who obviously lacks the word 'hospitality' in her dictionary. She only spoke rapidly in Spanish and was clearly annoyed that we didn't understand her. She was even rolling her eyes and sighing... Breakfast is 'a la carte', but there is no menu with the items to choose from. So it was a very unpleasant experience to order breakfast here. We speak German, French, English and Dutch, but only a few words and sentences in Spanish sofar. We find it disappointing that a modern hotel in a city hires staff with such a negative and judging attitude towards guests that are not fluent in Spanish :-( We would not stay in a Q!H hotel again unless there was a different way to order our breakfast.

  • en

    Jayne Repton


    Lovely would stay again spa was great thankyou

  • Robert Atcheson

    Robert Atcheson


    An intimate boutique hotel, staffed by friendly professionals, in the heart of historic León.

  • Erik Flindt

    Erik Flindt


    Clean an friendly staff. Breakfast a bit on cheap side.

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