Guggenheim Museum Bilbao i Bilbo

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SpanienGuggenheim Museum Bilbao



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2, Abandoibarra Etorbidea, 48009, Bilbo, Bizkaia, ES Spain
kontakter telefon: +34 944 35 90 80
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.2686712, Longitude: -2.9340118

kommentar 5

  • Trajko



    Impressive museum if you like modern art! Borders are being bend in every possible way. The metal wall hall is mind blowing en really recommend to go and see!

  • en



    The highlight is of course the exterior of the building. The giant puppy by Jeff Koons is an attraction by itself near the entrance too. Inside, the flowing lines and walkways make it an interesting space to explore. The art is not quite as exciting but we loved the deconstructed Beetle. The afternoon English guided tour was very good and also free (they cover a selected theme and not all of the museum's highlights).

  • Paul Anderson

    Paul Anderson


    OUTSIDE only review. As a photographer this place is marvelous. I spent over 1h30m walking around the outside from the promenade on either side, the bridge and around the close proximity. Wonderful mix of images. Bring a wide angle and a 300mm zoom at least..

  • maya apperley

    maya apperley


    Just moments from town centre but a place of interest in its own right. Wonderful town with many fascinating things to do but you can easily just sit and people watch if that's what you like. The museum is very gaudy and shiny but balanced out by the towns lovely mix of architecture. Don't let anyone put you off Bilbao is fascinating.

  • Sarah Gamal

    Sarah Gamal


    It's an amazing place!! I'm speechless, everything is perfect! The museum is definitely worth visiting and give it at least 3 hours. The museum lies in the centre of the city and is quite accessible. The stuff are friendly, and very polite. Even the services are excellent. I will definitely come back again, I fell in love with this place 😍 love from Egypt🇪🇸🇪🇬

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