Doyoubike i València

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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14, Carrer del Mar, 46003, València, Valencia, ES Hiszpania
kontakter telefon: +34 963 15 55 51
internet side:
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Latitude: 39.4738525, Longitude: -0.3739641

kommentar 5

  • Felipe fuentes Perez.

    Felipe fuentes Perez.


    En general.personal muy profesional. Atención al cliente. Estupeda.precios muy buenos calidad-precio. (Visto por mi). Muy aconsejable para profesional y aficionado. También tienda de repuestos y venta de bicicletas. Etc. Excelentes mecánicos.

  • es

    edgar pinaya


    Gente muy amable

  • en

    Ruben RCL


    Efficient , friendly and reasonable price.. brought my bike for service and cleaning and it's like new.. staff very professional and friendly .. highly recommended

  • Lukasz Drzewinski

    Lukasz Drzewinski


    Very nice customer service. Bike was good prepared and ready in three minutes.

  • Khaddouj Chikhi

    Khaddouj Chikhi


    We have rent a bike saterday 3 of February. With the bicycles everything went good. But i paid my deposit of 50€ with Debetcard and 10days after I still don’t got my deposit back. I went 2 times to the shop and they said you need 3or4 days before the bank can handle. But I had already my money back from a shop were I bought a shirt and turned it back 2days after. So why does it takes so long at DoYouBike to give money back to there clients. The bank needs no time to take the money of your account. But to give it back after 10 days I still don’t have it back. Do you bike only says I don’t have to worry but after a while you get worried. So if possible pay your deposit cash !!! I hope I will see my money back

nærmeste Cykel butik

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