Área de Autocaravanas de Kobetamendi i Bilbo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SpanienÁrea de Autocaravanas de Kobetamendi



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Mandagåben 24 timer
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31, Kobeta, 48002, Bilbo, Bizkaia, ES Spain
kontakter telefon: +34 944 65 57 89
internet side: www.bilbao.net
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 43.2596408, Longitude: -2.9637182

kommentar 5

  • en

    Helen Myhill


    Clean and quiet place to stop. Staff very helpful. Bus stop close by to Bilbao.

  • en



    Fantastic location great pitches wonderful views great staff will be back again

  • David Brice

    David Brice


    Grass pitches can be muddy when it rains but great location overlooking Bilbao. 15 Euro per night including ehu. Good waste facilities.

  • Walsh, Paul

    Walsh, Paul


    Great place to park up for a couple of nights, especially for anyone catching the Cruise Ferry back to the UK. Perched high above the city affording great views of Bilbao. Bus stop outside running every 15 mins that will take you into the city. The last stop is in old town. Facilities include Electric, water and grey water dump on most pitches. However don't rely on the Sat Nav spoken instructions to get you that final mile, read the screen map and use your instincts. It'll try and turn you where no road exists.

  • Ella Copeland

    Ella Copeland


    Gorgeous views from Campsite, clean toilets, but they are kept locked and you need to get keys each time. You can catch 58 bus into town just a couple of mins away from reception. They advertise breakfast & shower facilities 600m away but beware this is a considerable 15-20 min walk down a huge hill!

nærmeste Rv park, camping

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