AC Hotel by Marriott Malaga Palacio i Málaga

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SpanienAC Hotel by Marriott Malaga Palacio



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1, Calle Cortina del Muelle, 29015, Málaga, Málaga, ES Spain
kontakter telefon: +34 952 21 51 85
internet side:
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Latitude: 36.719047, Longitude: -4.419656

kommentar 5

  • Tracie Jones

    Tracie Jones


    Standard amenities in the AC Brand, and I appreciate the quantities as mentioned before. Great closet space with all the tools you need for a business trip. (i.e shoe shine kit). Excellent service, and found them to be social and engaged when speaking or listening to you. Found the prices of meals and bar to be very reasonable for Brand hotels, and I was absolutely taken with my view and wrap around balcony. Sunrise, Sunset, couldn't ask for more, except .. Pillow choice. I am not a fan of feather or down pillows, they disappear into nothing with pressure. A choice would be nice. The one convenience that I again noticed must becoming a thing of the past, is the ability to make a cup of hot water (tea or coffee) in the room.

  • en



    The rooftop bar is a great place to enjoy a drink, or a swim. Great views across the city, with the harbour, cathedral and castle lit up at night it looks pretty cool. Would recommend having a visit

  • Guadalupe Weber

    Guadalupe Weber


    This hotel has by far the best location in Malaga. Wonderful lounge bar in the roof top with great views of the old town and port. Swimming pool needs a little cleaning though. Staff extremely kind and helpful.

  • en

    Magdalena Siedlecka


    Best rooftop bar in Malaga. The view is a must see. It is best to go there in the evening to watch spectacular sunset. It is hard to find a better place to enjoy your Sangria. Cheers!

  • Matt Watkins

    Matt Watkins


    Interesting hotel. Rooms are OK, good amount of space and the bathroom we had was really nice, with a nice selection of toiletries provided for free. Breakfast provided has a good selection and plenty of seating available. The rooftop bar is really nice, though can get chilly. (Blankets available upon request) However, the lifts have a mind of their own, are super inefficient and it's often quicker to walk at peak times than trying to wait for a lift...

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